Saturday, September 18, 2010

What a Weekend

so this weekend we've been on a retreat about Power Evangelism. It's been really good. interesting in that, i had been around prophecy [which is what we were really talking about] before, but i hadn't ever PROPHESIED. ya know? i've prophesied over... i was told i'm gonna work with kids... well this weekend, i was told i have the gift of prophecy. and that i have prophetic dreams

[well i already knew that... i've been having prophetic dreams for years]

God was really moving this weekend... i definitely felt him. We as a class went down to Joe's Addiction and prayed with people in the Valley Brook community and also with some of the people at Joe's. it was just an awesome afternoon of ministry overall.

i didn't get any prophecies for people.. but i felt at peace while i was there.. and i don't know for sure... i maybe got some images for people but in my fear and insecurity...i was too scared to say anything.

this would not be surprising to me....bcuz though i am not a shy person... when it comes to telling someone something that i probably have no right [other than the fact that Jesus is telling it to me] to know... well, that's a little scary. and i think i've decided that that is one of those things that no matter how many times i do it... it will still frighten me at least a little.

Even yesterday we were doing this exercise... like to get us somewhat comfortable with the idea of prophesying or even just giving God words to people... and we were doing it with each other because it's a safe environment for something that really all of us are new at... well, i was partnered with one of the teacher guys... and i didn't know him at all... other than his name. and he didn't know me at all... other than my name and my favorite color [rainbow]

but like, he told me a bunch of crazy stuff [[all the stuff at the beginning of the post plus some other stuff]]

he then proceeded to tell me a vision he had just had of me... and the vision he had... well, he was telling me it and i'm realizing that... everything he's saying to me is the dream i had had the night before... it was so insane for me to see that! i took it as confirmation that God really does talk to me through dreams...

and we'll see what happens as to what the dream meant. bcuz i think there was definite meaning behind it... but i'm just not sure how it's gonna play out. i know God knows though...
[the hard part is trusting Him]

God is good [all the time]
[all the time] God is good.
bcuz that is His Nature.

God is working on my heart about a lot of things...i covet your prayers...just that i would have clarity about everything. He is faithful...i'm just having to remind myself of that... He's always there even when i'm not looking for Him...or leaning on Him... He's still there.

OH! i'm going to see Tenth Avenue North on monday night with my friend Katie! i'm SO excited!! it's gonna be amazing!!!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bootcamp, eh?

so, yes. it's been quite awhile since i last posted. i understand this. but i've been pretty busy. and i don't actually have a computer at my house with which to post. i have to use my parents. yes. i'm making excuses...but they are good ones, right?

anyway, bootcamp has been insane. we've had such fun getting to know each other, and getting to know more about ourselves and the God that we follow. I feel like my mind is gonna explode with everything i've been learning... but somehow it never does. maybe someday it will. :P

I don't even know where to begin on this whole bootcamp thing...i guess i'll just tell about some of the activities we've been doing. from the start we've been "training" for a 5k. i put training in quotes, bcuz i wasn't very good and i didn't train much, only because every time i would run i would end up hurting my knee! so i decided it wasn't worth it to injure myself permanently....just to run a 5k. i decided that i would run as much of the 5k as i could, then just walk it. and it was totally fine. i ended up running about 3/4 of a mile...and i was proud of myself for that. i got to walk it with my friend Tu and also my friend Jeff. it was a lot of fun. Tu is a refugee from Burma that i've befriended from working at language lab. She's so incredibly smart. we finished the race strong, we sprinted for the last like 100 yards. :)

Me and Tu finishing the race. :)

Then this weekend (yesterday)we did this ropes course, team building thing. It was a lot of fun. we played some games to promote trust and such with the other bootcampers. It was crazy fun. then we did this rock climbing wall and i hated that. haha it was really hard on my knee [more excuses i know!] so i couldn't get very far... and i was a bit mad at myself. but my mom and Katie helped me get over it. ha. but, all 3 of my siblings made it to the top of the wall and i was so proud of them! they were amazing!

then we did the zipline. that was a lot of fun, and i remember being excited because it's the first time i've ever been able to give in to that urge to jump from high places without killing myself or seriously injuring myself. haha. it was a lot of fun.

yeah, i look so casual standing up there. but it was really high and i was kinda scared. but then i was like, the only way i'm getting down from here is to jump... so i went all out and JUMPED from that platform. i had just been telling Becca (the girl in the green shirt that is in charge) about my random urges to jump sometimes, so when she unclipped me from the tower and i was only clipped to the zipline, she was like "don't go anywhere Katelyn." haha i was like, i wont!! she said "just keep holding on to the ladder."so i did. haha it was a lot of fun and i'm glad i did it. but yeah, so there are the things i've done in the last couple weeks. it's been fun and it's been crazy... but it's been good. :)

All the time, God is good. God is good all the time, because that is His Nature. Wow!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Count Down

Well, 2 weeks and 4 days until i move to OK. I'm pretty excited. it just seems a little surreal to me. Like, I am LITERALLY moving from Arkansas, in just about 2 weeks.
We haven't told Annie yet, that i am not living with her. I'm a little worried about how she'll react. That little girl doesn't like to go to Wild River Country without me, because it means she's far away from me. I'm very excited. i've been talking to my roommates and they are both super awesome girls! strong Women of God, from what i can tell!
The other exciting things that happened this week...
Well, we went to the zoo earlier this week, i think it was Monday. and i got to see the Vampire Bats feed on BLOOD. it was pretty spiffy. haha.
Then on Tuesday, Lydia and i took the kids to Wild River Country. that was fun. My little siblings are the coolest!
Wednesday was pretty normal, i think... this week has been kind of a blurrrrr. haha
Lydia left us on Thursday and on Friday, TeenServe went to Uganda. I woke up to see them off, it was bittersweet, because i was so excited for those that are going, but i was REALLY sad and wanted to go with them SO bad! I'm missing Uganda more now than before... as if that is possible. Evidently it is. I'm counting down the months until i can be there again.
I spent the night with my cousins and my Aunt Lissa on friday night. That was truly what i needed to do. Aunt Lissa had to have Radiation treatment right after my birthday because she had Thyroid Cancer. I didn't get to see her for like, a couple months. And i found out about it the day after my birthday. It was really hard, but it was SO good to see her again! she's getting energy back daily, which is so encouraging to see. God has really blessed me with her, and Katie and Megan too!
Saturday, after i left Aunt Lissa's, my youthgroup threw a going away party for Melissa and I. It was tons of fun! we went swimming, ate yummy food, and just had a great time of fellowship with friends!
i think that's really it as far as updates go. haha. I'm so not very good at this. :)

All for Him~
Kate the Great. :)

Song of Solomon 8:6-7

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This is it.

So i guess here we go with a post. I have yet to update this blog. I really would like to do it more, I just...forget to. haha. :P A couple weeks ago, i went to texas and i got to see my best friend for the first time in almost a year. I missed that girl a lot. We had such fun together, driving around Rockwall, we took our sisters to lunch then spent the rest of the day together. We [finally] got to give each other out birthday presents. That was super exciting. As we were going up the stairs to do the presents thing, Danae said "I've decided my life won't be complete til i have a pair of TOMS." I smiled, knowing i had gotten her TOMS. :) she was super stoked. :) We went to a retirement home behind her dance studio, and took a lot of pictures with this old lawn chair. That girl is the best friend and the coolest lamewad ever. :) we had a lot of fun with that chair. all in all it took my guitar case, my backpack, her bag, my phone, and her phone to get the camera to work to take this picture. it was insane.

Fan photo for TOMS. :)
yep, i took that. and gave her those. :)

We had a ton of fun. we made a picture story. :) here it is.

I decided to strangle her, because i'm just that great of a best friend. && she was totally asking for it. i don't know why she was asking for it, but she was. probably just being very sarcastic, it's her first language, sarcasm that is. :)

Then, Hewbert [the chair], being the awesome lawn chair that he was, got revenge for Danae, && attempted to eat me. i just ended up on the ground laughing hysterically, && we got an amazing photoshoot out of it.

needless to say we had an awesome time. I got those stellar rainboots/converse for only 5 bucks at Rue 21. It was so great to see my best friend again, it really made me miss her more. But she's amazing. I know it's gonna be so hard to leave her, but she's super encouraging, && just wants me to do what God has planned for me, because that's what she's gonna do. She encourages me in my walk with Christ, && even though it means moving FARTHER away from her, she encourages me to move to Uganda... but it's all ok because someday she's moving to Kenya... && we planned out our living situations in Uganda and Kenya...we're going to live right on the border and be neighbors, in different countries. :) it seems like there is always a border between Danae and me. Right now it's the Arkansas/Texas state line...and in a few years it'll be the Kenya/Uganda border. but our friendship is stronger because of it... I love her with all my heart, and i'm so blessed to have her as a best friend. :) i love you danae!!

~All i am Katelyn